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Privacy and Security Policy Statement

Welcome to the website of the Memorial Foundation of 228 (hereinafter referred to as "the Foundation"). In order to ensure your secure use of our website services, we would like to clarify the privacy protection policy of our website to safeguard your rights and interests. Please read the following content carefully:


Scope of Privacy Declaration Policy

The privacy policy outlined below applies to the collection, use, and protection of personal information during your activities on our website. However, it does not apply to government websites or other websites linked to the Foundation's website. Each linked website, whether operated by the Foundation or not, has its own privacy policy for which the Foundation assumes no joint responsibility. When engaging in activities on these websites, the privacy policy of each respective website applies to the protection of personal information.


Collection and Use of Personal Data

Simply browsing and downloading files on our website does not involve the collection of any personal identification information by the Foundation.


For online application services provided by our website, applicants are required to provide the most up-to-date and accurate personal information, such as name, ID number, contact phone number, email, and mailing address, according to the needs of the relevant agencies handling the cases.


Unless obtaining your consent or other legal provisions, the Foundation will not disclose your personal information to third parties or use it for purposes other than collection. Exceptions may occur under the following circumstances:


Violation of the Foundation's regulations, such as the occurrence of abusive or personal attacks in blogs, forums, or comments.

Protection or defense of the rights or property of individuals.

Protection of the interests of the Foundation and its related units.

The Foundation will never sell, exchange, or rent any of your personal information to other organizations, individuals, or private enterprises. Exceptions may occur under the following circumstances:


Cooperation with lawful investigations by judicial authorities.

Cooperation with investigations or use as required by relevant authorities in the performance of their duties.

Disclosure based on a good faith belief that it is legally required or used for the management of the website services for maintenance and improvement.

Information Security and Protection

The servers of our website are equipped with firewalls to prevent illegal intrusion, destruction, or data theft. When using the various services and functions of our website, data stored on the website is comprehensively protected to ensure the security of your personal information.


Self-Data Security Measures

Please properly safeguard any personal information and refrain from providing it to any third parties to protect your rights. Additionally, be reminded that voluntarily disclosing personal information on the internet (such as in discussion forums, message boards, chat areas, etc.) may be collected and used by others, and you may receive unsolicited emails from others.


Revision of Privacy Protection Policy

The privacy protection policy of our website may be revised at any time in response to needs, and the revised terms will be published on the website.


Inquiries Regarding Privacy Protection Policy

If you have any questions about the privacy protection statement of our website, please feel free to contact us.


Memorial Foundation of 228 


National 228 Memorial Museum

Tel  02-23326228

Fax 02-23396228


No.54,Nanhai road,Taipei City 100052,Taiwan

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